Deep Discs
Deep Discs is a Bristol-based events business showcasing the finest underground musical talent. We were approached by Alex, the co-founder, to design a logo, artwork for a series of events, and merchandise.
The Deep Discs team wanted a logo that paid homage to the roots of house music, namely the vinyl-spinning DJs of the late 1970s Chicago club scene. To achieve this, two Ds were asked to stand back to back, before having their spines welded together. The result was a vinyl made from the company name in acronym form. Accompanying the newly welded Ds is a stacked wordmark set in Franklin Gothic, one of the archetypal fonts of 1970s vinyl artwork.
For the big launch, a set of merchandise handouts (pens, stickers, lighters) were designed. In the knowledge brand colours would change in line with event artwork, both the pre-events logo and merchandise were designed in a simple black-and-white palette.
In the summer after launch, the team put on series of events at the famous Notting Hill Arts Club in London. For this, they required eight different event graphics that would on the one hand be visually congruent, but on the other hand noticeably different from one another. The resulting ‘party ring’ graphic system would eventually be used for Deep Discs’ t-shirt designs.